Friday, August 15, 2008

Work out log 8-14-2008 Biceps and shoulders


Seated barbell over head press: 4 sets at 12 reps, each set increase the weight decrease repsby 2 and the last set do a drop set till failure.

Seated free motion machine over head press: 4 sets at 12 reps on the first 60lbs on each side. 2nd set at 10 reps with 50lbs with a static hold at the end, same for third set. 4th set drop the weight to 30lbs and rep out those shoulder presses till failure and then a static hold at the end.


Olympic bar curl: (bought ripped my biceps outta my arms! it was awesome!) 3 sets 45lbs, 1st set was until failure, 2nd and 3rd were 6 regular curls 4 negatives! Since the bar is so long you have to stabalize more! This was a great exercise to get the blood pumping!

Free motion machin side hammer curls: 2 sets at 50lbs till failure both times.

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