Saturday, September 6, 2008

Work Out Log 9-6-2008 Legs


Front Squats super setted with leg press:

FS- 65lbs the first and 2nd set x 10 reps
95lbs the third set x 8 reps

Leg press: 640lbs till failure.

Barbell squats: 135lbs x 12 reps for the first and second set
185lbs x 8 reps for the last set

Leg extensions: 100lbs first and second set
80lbs last set all till failure

I will admit that the reason why we switched to leg extensions was because I got nauseated doing squats! Im guessing its because I wasnt breathing right and I was rushing my reps instead of taking them one at a time. Live and learn! Plus we just got our squat rack at the gym so I havent actually squatted...squatted, in over a year! Quite a shock to the

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