Sunday, November 2, 2008


Hi everyone!
I know it has been quite a while since my last blog so I thought I would apologize and update yall on what has been going on!

Well, this past weekend I had my photoshoot that I had been preparing for, for 25 weeks. It went very, very well. The last few days were tough since I was dieted down and water depleted, but in the end it was all worth it. The photoshoot took 4 hours but we got some amazing shots! I cant wait to share them with yall. I will have them posted hopefully by the end of this week. I will get to see all of the proofs tomorrow.

Now that the shoot is finished it is time for me to transition into off season. I am a little apprehensive but its something that I need to do. I will take 2 weeks off and enjoy myself but after that its back more calories, no cardio, and a lot of heavy lifting! I cant wait to see how I progress in these next 6 months.

Along with all of the awesome physical progress that I have made, there have been business progress as well. Meaning that there are changes coming in the next year that I couldnt have even imagined! There will be 4 options for me to choose from once I graduate, so this is all in God's hands and I have been so blessed to have met all of those that have given me these options! I dont have all the details but when the time is right I will update everyone on the direction I am taking.

I hope everyone had a blessed and good weekend! Be safe this upcoming week!

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