Monday, January 19, 2009

Pt 3. on how a competitor can manage their time while in school

Once you begin preparing your meals, you will need Tupperware, a big lunch box, ice packs for the lunch box to keep meals cold, and medicine droppers! Medicine droppers? Absolutely! Medicine droppers are an awesome way to store your flax oil and fish oil while on the go! This way you don’t have to carry the whole bottle around and you can just measure how many drops are needed for your daily dosage. Droppers are a quick, easy way to take your fats! Another suggestion, is to find a microwave on campus that is in proximity of your classes so that you can heat everything up and still make it to class on time. Schedule your eating around classes so you can eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, but if you have to eat in class and your professors give you a hard time about it, explain to them why you are doing it and they will likely understand. If you are a trainer, sometimes this can actually lead to them to their interest in training with you!

Depending on the time that you will be away from home will determine how many meals you pack in your cooler. Though, as a rule of thumb, never leave your house with less than four meals prepped, ready, and in your cooler. This will ensure that if you get side tracked and cannot make it back home as planned, you are not stuck without your meals. This is very helpful especially if you have group projects and have to meet up with your group members.

Womens Sports Foundation

Hey all!

I will be speaking on Feb 12th at the AlamoDome as a spokesperson for Go Girl Go in their annual conference. I will be speaking on a healthy body image and eating disorders and be holding a workshop for those that would like more information.

If anyone is interested in attending this conference please let me know!

I hope all is well and yall are exercising and eating right!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pt 2. on how a competitor can manage their time while in school

As a rule of thumb for pre contest and fat loss, the ratio is 50/20/30, meaning fifty percent of your daily intake is protein, twenty percent are carbohydrates and the last thirty percent are fats. Other common ratios 30/50/20 for gaining muscle mass; and 40/40/20 for general weight loss. An easy daily caloric intake calculation is to multiply your weight times ten. You can then divide your total caloric intake by the percentages given in the ratio, a simple solution for estimating your proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for the day. You can also divide those amounts by the number of calories in one gram of protein, carbohydrate, and fat; 4, 4, and 9 respectively. These results will give you the amount of grams of each component that you should be consuming on a daily basis.


Step 1: 125 lbs x 10= 1250 kcal/day
Step 2:
• 50 percent Protein / 1250 = 625 calories
• 20 percent Carbohydrates/ 1250 = 250 calories
• 30 percent FATS / 1250 = 375 calories
Step 3:
• Protein 625 kcal / 4 = 156-157g
• Carbohydrates 250 kcal / 4 = 62.5g
• Fats 375 kcal / 9 = 41.6-42g
*This is just a sample of a common ratio used for competition diets. Depending upon where you are in your preparation and how your body responds to this food ratio, will determine exactly how many grams of each component you will be consuming.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pt 1. on how a competitor can manage their time while in school

By Meagan Rodriguez

Time is the only thing that we can’t get back in this fast paced in which we live. From school, work, family, and trying to stay healthy, there never seems to be enough time in the day. As a full time, full—load student with a lot of activities on my plate, how is it possible to find time to prep and compete? It comes down to a dedicated-balance routine between sleeping, training, eating, working, studying, and playing, but not necessarily in that order. My time management has to be precise and calculated or I am not able to get everything in, in one day. I literally live out of my day planner on season, but off season I am a little more lenient. In this article I will give you tools and advice on how to manage your time as a student, so that you can be more efficient with your time and become more organized in order to accomplish your competition goals easier than you may have before.
So you have picked the date for your competition and it is in the middle of the semester…now what? Take a deep breath and relax because going to school, working and prepping for competition is possible! The first thing to do is get a day planner. You need to write everything down and at what times they need to be started and completed. This will alleviate some stress about not having to remember everything in addition to prioritizing your daily responsibilities.
The next things to define and outline are- your top priority elements that must be scheduled consistently every week. The first, and a definite must, is food preparation! Pick one day out of the week (mine is Sunday) to prepare all of your protein and carbohydrates so that you can pack and go without having to cook every single day. Also, put your daily food diary on your fridge so that you can refer to it when prepping. If you do not have a nutritionist guiding you through your preparation, it is helpful to know how to calculate your protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratio. This will determine your daily caloric intake, giving you a food diary to follow.

Its been a while...

Good evening everyone!

Its been a long while since I have written. So many things have taken place in the past month and a half so I will give you the "low down" really fast...I had my photo shoot and the week before finals started one of my husbands best friends was killed (this was at the end of Nov and the beginning of Dec), my business started to pick up like crazy, my father was sick over Christmas and I come to find out he now has cancer, a couple of days after that my good friends mother lost the battle with cancer etc etc... It has been a rough time in our lives but we are holding up well and looking at the bright side of things.

Nu-U Fitness is now working with Bexar county on a huge project for San Antonio and it will start June of this year (if we dont get set back). One of my other programs is about to launch into the pilot version for some of the children here in SA as well. There is a lot to look forward to in this new year!

I hope everyone's new year was well and I look forward to working with all of my new clients this year! New blogs are soon to come with insightful information, if there are any request please let me know!